Al-Aqsa Mosque
The Noble Sanctuary in Jerusalem
Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Noble Sanctuary or al-Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem, encloses over 14 hectares of fountains, gardens, paths, buildings and domes. At its southernmost end is the Jami’ al-Aqsa, the large prayer hall also commonly referred to as Masjid Qibli, and at its centre, the spiritual and architectural focus of Jerusalem, the celebrated Qubbat as-Sakhra, the Dome of the Rock.
Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of the three most important sites in Islam, a focus for worship and learning for nearly fourteen centuries, that continues as an important religious and educational centre to the present day.

The entire area, covering nearly one sixth of the old walled city of Jerusalem, is regarded as a mosque and is in regular use as a place of prayer and study for the thousands of Muslims who live in and around Jerusalem, as well as for those who travel from all over the world to worship in it.
You are welcome to browse through this online guide to the history, significance, architecture and infrastructure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, or join us for a quick tour by clicking on the button at the end of each page: